News 2022 IGARSS 2022
The 42nd annual IGARSS symposium will be held in hybrid format, i.e. physically at KLCC or virtually via the IGARSS online platform.
The International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) is the flagship conference of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS). It is aimed at providing a platform for sharing knowledge and experience on recent developments and advancements in geoscience and remote sensing technologies, particularly in the context of earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment.
GAP Ltd co-authored the following contributions:
Authors: A. Refice, L. Partipilo, D. Capolongo, F. Bovenga, F.P. Lovergine, R. Nutricato, D.O. Nitti
Title: Remotely sensed detection of badland erosion using multitemporal InSAR
Authors: A. Refice, A. D'Addabbo, F.P. Lovergine, F. Bovenga, R. Nutricato
Title: Improving flood monitoring through advanced modeling of Sentinel-1 multi-temporal stacks
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