News 2018 SPIE 2018
ESTREL Congress Centre
Berlin, Germany
10-13 September 2018
SPIE Remote Sensing is the premier European meeting that focuses on recent breakthroughs in atmospheric and earth-surface sensing, next-generation satellites, SAR image analysis and techniques, image and signal processing, and more.
GAP contributes by showing the results of his research activity in collaboration with the Italian Space Agency, Polytechnic of Bari and the ISSIA institute of the National Research Council of Bari.
Authors: Paolo Locorotondo, Andrea Guerriero, Maria Teresa Chiaradia, Davide Oscar Nitti, Raffaele Nutricato, Fabio Bovenga
Title: Preliminary assessment of side-lobe mitigation techniques for proper Coherent Targets selection in MTInSAR applications
Visit the official website SPIE Remote Sensing 2018